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Examples :

Examples shown below are real examples of our recent customers :


Example 1 :


1. Mr. ABC wants to stay at XYZ hotel but the online rate on XYZ hotel official website is 200 euro. Mr. ABC wanna look for a chance to reduce his room rate and submitted a form at Your Room. He has quoted that he is willing to pay 150 euro for the specific XYZ hotel of his choice.


2. Our team has found the possibility to get him a room at XYZ hotel at 125 euro which is the amount he will need to pay to the hotel and we contacted Mr. ABC to double confirmed the reservation details.


3. Mr. ABC agreed with the details of his reservation.


4. Our team proceeded to make a reservation at XYZ hotel using Mr. ABC's name and home address with Your Room reservation team's credit card.


5. We handed the reservation number to Mr. ABC showing the amount of 125 euro and Mr. ABC attached his hotel loyalty program membership number for XZY brand (not necessary if Mr. ABC doesn't intend to earn elite night and hotel loyalty points).


6. Mr. ABC paid 125 euro to XYZ hotel upon check-out.


7. Mr. ABC paid (150 - 125 = 25 euro) to our team after his stay via paypal.


Example 2 :


1. Mr. EFG wants to stay at any 4-stars hotel which is near to his client office at London. He has no time to search for the suitable hotel within his budget online. He submitted a Your Room form and quoted that he is willing to pay 100 GBP for such a room.


2. Our team has found the possibility to get him a room at PQR hotel at 80 GBP which is the amount he will need to pay to the hotel and we contacted Mr. EFG to double confirmed the reservation details.


3. Mr. EFG agreed with the details of his reservation.


4. Our team proceeded to make a reservation at PQR hotel using Mr. EFG name and home address with Your Room's credit card.


5. We handed the reservation number to Mr. EFG showing the amount of 80 GBP and Mr. EFG attached his hotel loyalty program membership number for PQR brand (not necessary if Mr. ABC doesn't intend to earn elite night and hotel loyalty points).


6. Mr. EFG paid 80 GBP to XYZ hotel upon check-out


7. Mr. EFG paid (100 GBP-80 GBP = 20 GBP) to our team after his stay via paypal. 

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